miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Freeze/Unfreeze VCS resources persistently

0. Initial Statements

%GROUP : Is going to be the VCS group needed to be freezed.
%SERVER : Is the Primary Node where the group is online. it can be checked with:

# hagrp -state %GROUP | grep ONLINE

1*** Freeze the cluster resources for this DB group.
a. Login to %SERVER as root.

b. Verify you are in the right host
# [[ "%SERVER" = `uname -n` ]] && echo "Correct Server" || echo "Wrong Server"

c. Check the service group status
# hagrp -state |grep %GROUP
(output should show online on one node, offline on the other)

d. Freeze the servicegroup
# haconf -makerw
# hagrp -freeze %GROUP -persistent
# haconf -dump -makero

e. Verify it is frozen
# hagrp -display %GROUP | grep -i Frozen
(output should show a value of 1)

2*** Unfreeze the cluster resources for this DB group.
a. Login to %SERVER as root

b. Verify you are in the right host
# [[ "%SERVER" = `uname -n` ]] && echo "Correct Server" || echo "Wrong Server"
(output should be the %SERVER)

b. Unfreeze the service group
# haconf -makerw
# hagrp -unfreeze %GROUP -persistent
# haconf -dump -makero

c. Verify it is unfrozen
# hagrp -display %GROUP |grep Frozen
(output should show a value of 0)

d. Verify that the group is ONLINE
# hagrp -state |grep %GROUP
(output should show ONLINE on one node)

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